
The FBCX College Ministry is a diverse community that is made up of students who grew up at FBCX and students who have found a home here while in school in Macon.

At FBCX we want our students to feel at home within our congregation and are intentional about involving students in the life of the church. We seek to support our students during their college career and offer them opportunities to use their gifts within the church and its ministries.

We are grateful for the leadership of our students, they share their gifts with the church in a number of ways including teaching children’s Sunday school, working in the nursery, teaching youth, singing in the choir, and participating in missions.

Sunday Lunch

College students are invited get lunch together on occasion following worship. This is either at a local restaurant or a home-cooked meal in a church member’s home.

Daybreak Annual Sleepout

For one night in Macon, our college students sleep out on behalf of FBCX to show solidarity with the homeless and to raise money for Daybreak. This annual fundraising event is hosted by Daybreak Day Resource Center.

If you are interested or would like more information, contact the church office.

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